An initiative of Infocivica and the European Workgroup of Turin for the European Conference on
Redefinition of the offer, local and global safeguarded service and standards, and policies related to production and acquisition of rights
in a cross-media perspective
Speaker: Prof. Emily Prado, Autonomous University of Barcelona
Welcome speech by Giovanna Milella – Secretary General of Prix Italia
Giovanna Milella opened the meeting which highlighted the importance of this event in the context of the Prix Italia: it is a seminar, but above all also a constructive path. It is so important because it addresses the issue of the cross-media phenomenon to which also the Prix Italia is paying particular attention, as well as the need to re-establish the public service.
Giampiero Gramaglia, the moderator of the meeting, gave the stage to Piercarlo Sommo, the Italian National Advisor on Public Communication who emphasized that the structure in which he works has always been active in monitoring the value of communication in the public context. His experience, focused on communication within the Italian National Health Service, stated that communication is essential for the proper functioning of the Health Service. In this historical moment the Public Service cannot just regard television, but must necessarily be a cross-media phenomenon.
9.00– Welcome speech by Piero Fassino - Mayor of Turin
9.05 – Welcome speech by Piercarlo Sommo - Consigliere Nazionale Comunicazione Pubblica
9.10 - Welcome speech by Marco Simeon - RAI Director for Institutional and International Relations
9.15 – Pedro Soler Rojas, animator of the Teledetodos Forum, then intervened via a telephone connection from Madrid. This is a forum which deals with various local and international transformations now underway and that explores ideas and conducts research through social groups, with which various Universities cooperate. It is a working group that organizes seminars and reports and over 700 people collaborate with it. In this social context, the broadcasting service must be accessible to all. The role of the public service in the context of telecommunications must be preserved, hence the open collaboration with Infocivica. In the cross-media era, the net is designed to collect public contributions. It is essential for the public service to be carried out and led by serious professionals who guarantee the correctness and completeness of its contents.
9.20 - Introduction by Gerardo Mombelli, Chairman of Infocivica
Abstract of the report 
9.25 - Chairman: Giampiero Gramaglia – Communication Advisor and Member of the Board of Directors for the Istituto Affari Internazionali (International Affairs Institute), Rome.
Abstract of the report 
9.30 - Philip Schlesinger, University of Glasgow. Conclusions Report n. 1
Abstract of the report 
9.45 Emily Prado, Autonomous University of Barcelona Preliminary Report n. 2 Redefinition of the offer, local and global safeguarded service and standards, and policies related to production and acquisition of rights in a cross-media perspective
Abstract of the report 
Part 1 - The European Panorama: a study of public service media offers
10.15 - Enrique Bustamante, Complutense University of Madrid. The state public service offer and those of the Autonomous Communities in Spain (in videoconference call from Madrid)
Abstract of the report 
10.30 - Pierre Musso, University of Rennes. The offers in France assured by Radio France, France Télévisions, ARTE, TV5, France 24, LCP, etc.
Abstract of the report 
10.45 - Francisco Rui Cadima, New University of Lisbon. The offers of public service media in Portugal
Abstract of the report 
11.00 - Matthew Hibberd, University of Stirling. The offers of public service media in the UK, the BBC and Channel Four
Abstract of the report 
11.15 - Roberto Suarez Candel, University of Hamburg. The offers of regional public service media and the federal and international offers in Germany.
Abstract of the report
11.30 - coffee break
11.45 - Beata Klimkiewicz, Jagiellonian University of Krakow. The offers of public service media in Poland.
Abstract of the report
12.00 - Giuseppe Richeri, University of Lugano. The offers of public services for the linguistic communities of the Swiss Confederation and the importance of safeguarding minority groups.
Abstract of the report
12.15 - Michele Sorice, Luiss University of Rome. The offers of public service media in Italy
Abstract of the report
12.30 - Introduction of Manlio Cammarata, Director of Inter Lex - Towards the development of the Amsterdam Protocol
Abstract of the report
12.40 - Bruno Somalvico, General Secretary of Infocivica - The journey of the European Group of Turin towards the European Conference
Abstract of the report 
12.50 - Italo Moscati, writer and filmmaker: Historical Memory and Civic Education in the offer crossmédiale
Abstract of the report 
13.00 - Andrea Melodia, President and Vice President of Infocivica - Rethinking the offer for a general audience in the era of fragmentation
Abstract of the report 
13.10 - Robert Castrucci, Ugo Bordoni Foundation - Viral communication and certification of public media service contents
Abstract of the report 
13.20 Stefano Panunzi, University of Molise - The new frontier of video : the case of tele- contiguity
Abstract of the report 
13.30 - Giacomo Mazzone, head of institutional relations of the UER-EBU, Eurovision's role and the areas of cooperation between public service media in the transition from broadcast to broadband
Abstract of the report 
13.40 - Gianni Bellisario, of Infocivica. From Broadcast to Broadband. The public challenges of the cross-media phenomenon (in videoconference call from Rome)
Abstract of the report 
13.50 - Ugo Cavaterra, Vice Presidente di Infocivica - Dal pixel all’anima e ritorno. Il Servizio Pubblico come Vettore di nuova Forma-Sostanza
Abstract of the report 
Respondents the Turin Group
Enrique Bustamante Ramirez, Francisco Rui Càdima, Peter Dahlgren, Matthew Hibberd, Beata Klinkiewicz, Pierre Musso, Giuseppe Richeri, Philip Schesinger, Michele Sorice and Roberto Suarez.
14.00 – Carlo Rognoni, Journalist, former Vice-President of Senato della Repubblica, Rome
Abstract of the report 
14.10 - Antonio Preziosi, Director GRR Giornale Radio Rai, Rome
Abstract of the report
14.20 - Lucian Sarb, Director Euronews (in videoconference call from Lione)
14.30 - End of session