The European Commission - Representation in Italy 
EU integration in the cross-media Public Service perspective
An initiative of Infocivica – the Turin Workgroup for the European Conference on
4. The Green Paper and the preparatory reports for the Conference
The Green Paper on public service media in the society of information and knowledge based on first four contributions of the Turin Workgroup aims to reaffirm the non-substitutable nature of public services in society and the need to redefine their mission in a document with a constitutional relevance, after a radical transformation of guaranteed service and safeguarded standards, the organizational structure, modalities of funding and institutional contacts.
Reports 5 and 6 aim to propose and specify the modalities of collaboration between regional and national public services, in order to promote information about the European Union as well as the modalities of cooperation between public service media in the Mediterranean area, on both sides of the Atlantic and in the developing countries.
Introduction. An initiative of Infocivica – the Turin Workgroup for the European Conference on public service media in the society of information and knowledge
Cap. 1. Analysis Of The New Demand For Public Service And Definition Of The Mission Of Public Service Media In A Multi-Platform Environment
Cap. 2. Redefinition of the offer, local and global safeguarded service and standards, and policies related to production and acquisition of rights in a cross-media perspective
Cap. 3. Financing and reorganization of public service companies and new criteria for allocating resources
Cap. 4. European approach to the reform of public service media in slow transition from Broadcast to Broadband. Governance and new rules of the game for public services in the society of information and knowledge
Conclusions: ideas, proposals and final recommendations of the Turin Workgroup o the European Commission, the Council of Europe, the Governments of the Member Countries, the Italian government and the Italian State-Regions Conference.
The six reports of the Turin Workgroup
These reports form the basis of the documents that will be discussed at the European Conference and the structure of the Green Paper to be published later.
Each report will be previously submitted to the representatives of the Inter-university liaison organisation, known as the Turin Workgroup, responsible for executive and technical coordination. A number of experts appointed by international bodies may also be associated with the work.
The work of the Rapporteurs and of the Commission in charge of the document of summary
The Infocivica Association proposes to use all the information tools necessary to carry out the Turin Workgoup's activities in the best way possible.
Each Rapporteur, under the technical and executive responsibility of the Turin Workgroup and the editorial coordination of Infocivica, will produce an interim report previously discussed during the four seminars planned, before drawing up the final report which is to be presented at the European Conference.
With this aims in mind, the association proposes to seek funding in order to ensure that each rapporteur will be able to:
• have his/her own space on the site - where interim and final information and reports can be published
• have a forum through which institutions can ask for details relating to the documents produced and individual citizens can make their requests and express what they expect from the new public service
• participate in the construction of a portal containing the so-called Best Practices, or those that are considered the most interesting, innovative and representative creations realized by means of the new technologies of information and communication.
Each member of the Turin Workgroup will be able to participate in all the seminars, making observations and proposing amendments to the reports prepared by other rapporteurs and further co-rapporteurs.
Subsequently a specially formed committee consisting of the rapporteurs presiding over the six reports will prepare a Document of summary and conclusions in anticipation of the gathering of the six final reports and their publication in the Green Paper.
The reports of the Workgroup and the document of summary