The European Commission - Representation in Italy 
EU integration in the cross-media Public Service perspective
An initiative of Infocivica – the Turin Workgroup for the European Conference on
5. Timetable of preparatory seminars
In September 2009 Infocivica , in collaboration with the Prix Italia and the European Commission Representation in Italy , brought together eight European experts in Turin (the Turin Workgroup) to meet with the Secretary-General of the EBU to discuss the theme: Is_building_a_European_public service television possible? After the Lisbon Treaty: problems and prospects.
The reports presented by these scholars assembled by Infocivica have encouraged Infocivica to continue with these reflections started by using the same seminar formula to produce a series of reports in preparation for a major European conference on the future of public service media in addition to various other initiatives in collaboration with the organization for cooperation between the public services of the Mediterranean (COPEAM), the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), the associations of public broadcasters of Arab countries (ASBU) as well as those of the Ibero-American countries (OTI).
Infocivica and the Turin Workgroup launched this project in collaboration with the Centre of Media Investigation and Journalism of the New University of Lisbon, which coordinates the research. Funding has been applied for from the Authority of regulation of Social Communication (ERC) and the Foundation for Science and Technology of Lisbon .
Pending the definition of cooperation procedures for this project, Infocivica and the Turin Workgroup have established a timetable according to the plan outlined in Turin for the realization of a Green Paper on public service media in the society of information and knowledge . The preparation of an international conference in Turin in November 2011 connected with the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy and dedicated to The public broadcasting service in the history of Italy and tackling the transformations currently underway will be accompanied, from September 21 2010 to February 2012, by a series of four seminars of the Turin Work group to discuss the preliminary reports prepared by the Turin Workgroup in preparation for the Green Paper to be presented at the European Conference in November 2012. The schedule will be as follows:
5.2 - 21st September 2010 Turin , Prix Italia - Social change and the new demand and mission for public service media in the society of information and knowledge . First preparatory seminar for the report on topic no. 1: Analysis of the demand and definition of the new mission; Analysis of the new demand for a public service and definition of the mission of public service media in a multi-platform environment
5.3 - 3th March 2011, Bologna COMPA - The challenges of the Net for creating a new "public space" at the local, national and European level . Second preparatory seminar for the report on topic no. 2: Re definition of the offer , local and global safeguarded service and standards, and policies related to production and acquisition of rights in a cross-media perspective
5.4- 19th September 2011, Turin, Prix Italia - Funding of a cross-media public service as a cost of democracy and for safeguarding the sense of European cohesion , Third preparatory seminar for the report on topic no. 3: Financing and reorganization of public service companies and new criteria for allocating resources;
5.5 - February 2012, Paris, Radio France (location to be confirmed) - Europe and the rules for public service media in their transition from broadcast to broadband . Fourth preparatory seminar for the report on topic no. 4: Governance and new rules of the game for public services in the society of information and knowledge;
5.6- June 2012, Hambourg, Hans Bredow Institut (location to be confirmed) . Ideas, proposals and final recommendations of the Turin Workgroup. On the basis of the reports discussed at these seminars, a close group responsible for drafting the document of summary will meet in June 2012 with Infocivica and the other members of the european Workgroup of Turin.
The European Conference in Turin is set to be held in November 2012, in conjunction with the sixty-fourth edition of the Prix Italia. It will discuss the Final reports submitted by the Turin Workgroup, providing the material to be gathered in the Green Paper on public service media in the society of information and knowledge ;
5.7- Subsequently, in June 2013 in Lisbon, again in conjunction with the Prix Italia , the Turin Workgroup will hold a seminar to produce a Report on topic no. 5: The European Union's role and policies regarding information and communication in public service media, in anticipation of a Conference on Information and Communication of the European Union to be held in Strasbourg at the European Parliament in November 2013;
5.8 - Finally, in June 2014 - in collaboration with COPEAM, EBU, ASBU and OTI - a seminar could be held in Palermo, dedicated to topic no. 6: Terms of cooperation of the media public service with the Mediterranean and developing countries, in anticipation of a Conference on Cooperation between broadcasters and new public service media on both sides of the Mediterranean and the Atlantic , to be held in Madrid in November 2014.