The European Commission - Representation in Italy 
EU integration in the cross-media Public Service perspective
An initiative of Infocivica – the Turin Workgroup for the European Conference on
3. Executive coordination: the European Group of Turin
The European Group of Turin, has been set up to create an organisation dealing with inter-university liaisons between the institutions that participated in the meeting in Turin in September 2009 sponsored by the Infocivica Association in the context of the Prix Italia awards. The Turin Workgroup was set up as a collaborative initiative consisting of ten media experts representing european Universities and the contacts established by Infocivica with other partners (Teledetodos - Madrid, European Commission - Representation in Italy, Ugo Bordoni Foundation Rome, Italian Association of Public and Institutional Communication) who are constantly in contact with Infocivica.
Its mission is to immediately commence a process of study, documentation and research on the development of communications while elaborating technical contributions to the European Conference.
The European Group of Turin consists of eleven full members, assisted by the Chairman, the Vice Presidents, the General Secretary of Infocivica.
The eleven compulsory members representing their research institutes are:
professor Enrique Bustamante Ramirez of the department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising, Complutense University of Madrid, and member of the Fundesco Foundation;
professor Francisco Rui Càdima of the Departamento de Ciências da Comunicação, Universidade Nova of Lisbon;
Professor Peter Dahlgren lecturing of the department of Media and Communication Studies, University of Lund, Sweden;
professor Uwe Hasebrink of the Hans-Bredow-Institut für Medien Forschung, University of Hamburg;
professor Matthew Hibberd, deputy head of the Department of Film, Media and Journalism, University of Stirling;
professor Beata Klimkiewicz of the Institute of Social Communication, Jagiellonian University of Krakow;
professor Pierre Musso lecturing of the department of Sciences de l'information et de la communication, University of Rennes;
prof. Emili Prado, Director of the GRISS (Image, Sound and Synthesis Research Group) Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona;
professor Giuseppe Richeri, of the Institute of Journalism, Università della Svizzera Italiana University of Lugano;
professor Philip Schlesinger of the Centre for Cultural Research Policy, University of Glasgow;
professor Michele Sorice of the “Massimo Baldini” Centre for Media and Communication Studies, LUISS University of Rome.
The following experts could be aggregated with the European Group of Turin in the role of observers: professor Karol Jakubowicz, representing UNESCO, professor André Lange (an expert on the European Audiovisual Observatory for the Council of Europe), Dr. Giacomo Mazzone representing the EBU, as well as a representative of the European Commission, the European Parliament and possibly the representatives of various other organisations.
Coordination and organization will be provided by the Infocivica association in close collaboration with the research institutes of the members of the European Group of Turin.
Editorial Coordination will be organized by the Infocivica association with the contribution of the Ugo Bordoni Foundation. The electronic publication of the materials of the first seminar will be hosted by the Working papers of the Massimo Baldini Centre for media and communication studies of the Luiss University, with the editorial collaboration of the magazine Nuova civiltà delle macchine (The New Civilization of Machines - RAI ERI editions), in close collaboration with the rapporteurs entrusted with the task of drawing up the six preparatory reports for the Green Paper to be presented at the Conference, and possibly with various associations representing civil society active in the member countries of the European Union and the Council of Europe.