Beginning in 2008, with the re-launching of the association, Infocivica has established a series of close contacts with some institutions at regional, national and European levels.
At the invitation of Giovanna Milella, Secretary General of the Prix Italia, Infocivica prepared, in collaboration with the European Commission Representation in Italy, a conference entitled .
Broadcast live in video-streaming on the site of the Prix Italia and Infocivica, thanks to the indispensable collaboration of the RAI Production Centre of Turin and Rainet, the meeting was held in the conference room of the Museum of Radio and Television at the Rai headquarters of via Verdi in Turin, on September 24th 2009, on the occasion of the 61st edition of the Prix Italia .
A number of prestigious scholars of international importance contributed to the meeting, brought together by Infocivina to form the European Group of Turin in order to conduct a serious and in-depth discussion on public media services within the process of European integration.
The work, preceded by greetings from the Secretary General of the Prix Italia Giovanna Milella, the Representative in Italy of the European Commission Matteo Fornari, the vice president of Infocivica Gerardo Mombelli and the secretary of Copeam Alessandra Paradisi, were moderated by the journalist and political analyst Giampiero Gramaglia, former Director of the Italian press agency Ansa.
Following this first meeting, on the occasion of the Shareholders' Meeting of January 2010, Infocivica decided to continue discussions, constituiting the and starting a cycle of seminars on: in view of a European Conference also due to be held in Turin in November 2012 again in conjunction with the European Commission - Representation in Italy and the Prix Italia on the theme of .