Old and new media
We believe that we must ensure universal access for the use of the services of the society of information and knowledge. For this reason we think that the conception and realization of the contents, infrastructure of the networks and the supervision of access to them should not be the exclusive propert y of private operators and those under their control.
In addition we therefore consider that there is the need for a public presence in order to ensure that the supervision of access to network communication should not be the exclusive preserve of private operators and companies with purposes of political advantage and financial profits.
We want a public service that curtails and opposes uncontrolled management and the mono-centric use of the information sector by private editors and concerns .
We condemn the fact that access to on-line services of the Public Administration is totally in the hands of private companies, often multinationals, and that there is not enough transparency regarding their ownership and powers.
We therefore request the presence of a public body, at the service of the community, working to favour and promote universal access to the products, services and all the communications available in digital format, without suffer ing the influence of private operators.
We cannot and must not jeopardize the fundamental principles of freedom of communication and the consequent political self-determination, which are guaranteed for citizens according to all the European Constitutions.
Infocivica will work in defence of the principle and the mission of the Public Service in Italy and the European Union.