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Media Club e Forum di Infocivica

Redefinition of the offer, local and global safeguarded service and standards, and policies related to production and acquisition of rights
in a cross-media perspective


Matthew Hibberd

Deputy Head of Department of Film, Media & Journalism University of Stirling


Hard Times for PSB? Broadcasting in the Era of Austerity

The BBC is one of the greatest broadcasting organisations in the world, but we aren't living in easy times… and we have to show how we can run a PSB on £3.5bn a year. Lord Patten, Chairman BBC Trust, June 2011

In June 2011, Lord Patten, newly appointed chairman of the BBC Trust, outlined his vision for the BBC in a number of meetings and speeches. The BBC is currently undergoing a thorough review of all its broadcasting activities. The Delivering Quality First Review will see the BBC Trust and BBC Executive agree a set of proposed options for expanding and reducing TV, Web and radio output. The first draft of this consultation is due in September 2011 and will then be put out for public consultation. The key aims of the review are to agree what can be saved through efficiencies and then see what service changes need to be made. In my speech to Prix Italia, I will outline what Delivering Quality First means for PSB in the UK in the era of economic austerity.