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Media Club e Forum di Infocivica

The European Commission - Representation in Italy

EU integration in the cross-media Public Service perspective

An initiative of Infocivica – the Turin Workgroup for the European Conference on



4.2. Redefinition of the offer, local and global safeguarded service and standards, and policies related to production and acquisition of rights in a cross-media perspective

This Turin Workgroup will perform an in-depth analysis in order to determine the ideal programming schedule which is able to produce a new local, regional, national, European and possibly worldwide sensus communis (common identity).

The topics discussed will include the re-articulation of the offer in a glocal sense and the development of news and information proximity services. This second report of the Turin Workgroup will examine issues such as institutional information, civic education and the preservation of historical archives, as well as investigating various examples of education that encourages active citizenship within multicultural societies.
Finally, by analyzing the new participatory media the Workgroup will try to determine how viral communication may best be employed in public service media.

The issues to be examined in this seminar will include:

1. Re-articulation of the offer in a glocal sense and the development of news and information proximity services

I - The situation of public service media in the principal European nations - The United Kingdom (BBC Regions and Nations, BBC World) - France (the experience of France 3) - Italy (Rai regional services) - The Polish experience - the Portuguese experience - the Swedish experience.

II - The federalist models – Germany (the ARD federalist model), Spain (radio and television services of the Autonomous Communities united in FORTA).

III - Models of multilingualism and the safeguarding of minorities in the Swiss Confederation.

IV - Experiences of collaboration/reconstruction of multiethnic coexistence such as in the Balkans. Cultural democracy: the case of Catalonia.

V - Examples of multilateral cooperation between the public service media:

1) The Role of the UER - EBU in the acquisition of rights in accordance with equalizing principles;
2) The French speaking experience of TV5;
3) The Commonwealth BBC World Report;
4) The projection of European diversity into the world: the attempt of the Group of Bruges.

VI - Cooperation in the Italian-speaking area and the promotion of Italian Identity - Analysis of the critical success factors: the Italian business community, the Italian diaspora, diversity within Italy in the sense of Braudel. 

2. Institutional information, historical memory and civic education 

Examination of case studies:

I - The case of Phoenix in Germany,
II - La Chaîne Parlementaire and Public Sénat in France,
III - BBC Parliament in the UK,
IV - Canal Parlamentario in Spain,
V - The channel of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate of the Republic in Italy
VI – Institutional information in Sweden,
VII - Institutional information in Poland,
VIII - Institutional information in Portugal,
IX - The European Union channel EBS,
X - The experience of C SPAN in the United States.

3. Experiences of education for active citizenship in a multicultural society 

Analysis of the use of the media in policies towards immigrant communities: I -The Swedish situation, II - The British situation, III - the German situation, IV - the French situation, V - the Spanish situation, VI - the Italian situation, VII - the Polish situation, VIII - the Portuguese situation, IX - the Swiss situation.

4. From public service to public space in the society of information.

Ideas for a new mission for public service media and analysis of critical success factors in order to satisfy the mission of social cohesion:

I - Production of TV dramas and the construction of a new public imagination - the model of Channel Four;

II - Cross-media journalism and training for new professions - The case of Euronews and the international broadcasters and all news channels of the national public services BBC World News, Deutsche Welle, France 24, Canal 24 horas, Rai News 24, Telewizja Poland, RTP Internazional et SVT 24;

III - Cooperation and training for new cross-media professions in the Mediterranean. The potential of Italy;

IV - Safeguarding of service and standards in the new participatory media - For a good use of viral communication and the social networks. From the global village to the bivouac in the virtual communities: an example of participatory media.